“Art show of the year!” my arse. Banksy’s L.A. warehouse show, hosted by every commercial activist in Hollywood, was loved by all . . . except people who like animals. Banksy, the renowned London graffiti, stencil, stuntman continues to fight commercialism with . . . well, total commercialism, and enormous pink elephants. Yes, why did we never think of this before? Brad Pitt, Angela, and their checkbook, were present to witness the profound presence of an elephant painted pink to match a wallpaper pattern backdrop. The message: poverty is like a giant floral elephant. The other message: it’s ok to paint animals and sell them to movie stars.
Animal people were totally pissed at Banksy. And this isn’t the first time. At a show in London, where he had painted sheep and other mammals, a woman locked herself to their pen in protest. Response: the dealer thought the woman made a great addition to the exhibition and left her there. In any case, I believe the paint was nontoxic, and the animals were all cared for properly, but I can’t help but think this painted animal thing is retarded. I would rather see a painted human thing. Paint David Blaine or some-shit. Although Bankster’s L.A. show was a hit for most, his website is littered with hate mail, and people threatening to attack him with tranquillizer guns. And where is Mr. Banks after all this cuffufle – now he’s painting these crappy stencils in the Gaza strip, or some stupid shit like that.