Hello Family, I miss you all the most at Christmas. Here is a little photo show of how I spent mine. We had a really nice meal at a restaurant and then everyone came back to our apartment for a traditional Parnell Christmas Eve sleep-over.
The family sitting down for Christmas dinner.
Rawk around the Christmas hawk.
. . . I'm actually friends with these people.
This is King Santa. Because of this man I got to eat turkey, stuffing and cranberries on Christmas. God bless you.
Was I naughty or nice? I really can't remember.
These aren't the real Santas, these are just his helpers.
This is the Irish version of Santa Claus.
Bryan and Bryant. Two of the greatest minds of our generation.
The tree and the lute!!
It's family tradition to have a mini keg. It's no Molson Canadian, but it will do just fine. Also, check out the manikin in the background. One of the better gifts I received this year!
Babes in their pollution masks.